Issue A and B Window Type Sprinklers


Protect Against Exposure Fires

Issue A and B exposure-protection sprinklers are used to spray water on window glazing at set intervals. This helps protect against exposure fires on the exterior of the building. The Issue A sprinklers have a smaller orifice compared to Issue B sprinklers. Issue A is normally used where exposure is light or moderate, the area of coverage is small, or where one horizontal line of window sprinklers is installed at each floor. The larger orifice Issue B sprinklers are normally used where exposure is severe or where one horizontal line of sprinklers is used to protect windows at more than one floor level.


  • Intended for spraying water on window glazing
  • Issue A Sprinklers are normally typically used where exposure is light or moderate
  • See TFP835 for technical information and listing details
  • Exposure (Outside) Protection Sprinklers are utilized to provide protection from exposure fires on the outside of buildings
  • Issue B Sprinklers are typically normally used where exposure is severe


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